Monday, December 5 2022, 12pm zoom - see attached flyer for link UGA's Center for Integrative Conservation Research is hosting a virtual panel Monday December 5 from 12-2 with Cherokee citizens Dr. Joseph M. Pierce and Caleb R. Hickman and geographer Daanish Mustafa of King's College. "What is decolonization?" and "What does decolonization look like in academic practice?" Recent scholarship has called for addressing colonial legacies within academic research and practice. Yet a number of Indigenous scholars have critiqued the use of decolonization to refer to anything other than the undoing of (settler) colonialism. In the words of Tuck and Yang, “Decolonization brings about the repatriation of Indigenous land and life; it is not a metaphor for other things we want to do to improve our societies and schools” (Tuck and Yang 2012, 1). How can we as researchers best respond to calls for an-oppressive practices without doing further harm? And how can we be more reflexive about our academic practices and the work they do in the world? The attached flyer includes a registration QR code. Decol Poster _FINAL.pdf (4.4 MB) Center for Integrative Conservation Research CICR News & Events